
Table of contents:


1. Terminology:

  • Experiment: A controlled, repeatable investigation of some random process.

  • Trial: One particular act of a random experiment (An experiment is composed of several of trials).

  • Outcome: The result of a trial.

  • Event : Set of outcomes of a random experiment (subset of the Sample space).

  • Union of Events : The union of events and is the event, which takes place when at least one out of the two events happen.

  • Intersection of Events : The intersection of events and occurs when both events occur simultaneously. Often denoted as:

  • Mutual Exclusivity: Events and are mutually exclusive if .

  • Mean (): The average value of an experiment.

  • Median: In a sorted list, the number exactly from the middle.

  • Mode: The object, which appears the most frequently in the dataset.

  • Absolute Frequency: How many times a given event has occurred while carrying out an experiment.

  • Relative Frequency: Absolute frequency divided how many times we carried out the experiment.

  • Sample space (): The set of all possible outcomes of a random experiment. (might be discrete or continuous)

  • -algebra (): Collection of Events, Subsets of the Sample space that satisfies the -algebra properties. (The allowable events)

  • Probability measure (): Is a real - valued function, which maps elements of the -algebra, set of events to the interval and satisfies the Kolmogorov axioms.

  • Probability space: The triple consisting the Sample Space, -algebra and Probability measure.

-algebra properties:

Kolmogorov axioms:

More basics:

  • Probability of co-occurrence of two events: The probability of the union of events and is the sum of their probabilities minus the probability of their co-occurrence.
  • Union bound: The probability of the union of events is bounded by the sum of their probabilities.
  • Conditional probability: Probability of Event happening given that Event has already happened:
  • Independece: Two events are independent if the occurrence of one event does not affect the other’s probability to happen. Event and Event are independent iff
  • Conditional independence: Two events are conditionally independent given a third event if the occurrence of the two events are independent of the third event in their conditional probability distribution. Event and are conditionally independent given an event iff
  • Chain rule: The probability of the co-occurrence of events can be written as the conditional probabilites of these events.
  • The law of total probability: The probability of an event can be written up as a Sum of the probability of co-occurring events.
  • Bayes rule: Finding the conditional probability of an event by knowing certain other probabilities.
  • Random Variable (): Is a function defined on the sample space. Most of the time it maps outcomes, events to numbers. (The codomain might be continuous or discrete)
  • Expected value (): The long-run avereage value of repetitively carrying out an experiment (the same as mean).
  • Variance (): The average of the squared differences from the mean.
  • Standard deviation (): Is a measure for quantifying how spread the dataset is.
  • Covariance (): Is a measure for quantifying how two Random Variables vary together.
  • Correlation (): Is a measure for quantifying how well two Random Variables are linearly related.


  • Bayes’ rule proof: By Conditional probability definition:
  • Proof of Expected Value = Mean:

Let’s say, that some of the observations have the same value (e.g.: ), then we count the frequency for each unique observation value . Then:

You can find appendices for this algorithm here:


You can find the corresponding scripts (if applicable), here:

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